How to choose a suitable dust filter bag, we first need to understand the filter mechanism of the dust collector: When the dusty gas enters the bag filter, the dust with large particles and large specific gravity settles down due to the action of gravity and falls into the ash hopper. When the dust gas passes through the filter, the dust is retained and the gas is purified.
The dust filter bag is the key part of the operation of the bag filter. It is usually cylindrical and is suspended vertically in the filter. The commonly used materials of filter bag are PE, PP, PTFE,PMIA,NMO, etc.
It is impossible for a variety of dust filter bags to have perfect performance in meeting the requirements of other conditions such as temperature, humidity, and chemical corrosion. Therefore, the correct choice of dust filter bag is an important part. We should choose according to the following principles:
1, according to the nature of dust selection filter bag
Firstly, according to the analysis results of the filtered gas and dust properties, and with reference to the performance of various dust filter bags, in addition, the design of the dust collector must meet the performance of the filter bag fiber. At the same time, we must consider the design of gas cooling devices, pre-dusting devices and other auxiliary equipment.
2, according to the way of cleaning dust filter bag selection
The dust removal method of the bag filter is the primary condition for the selection of the filter bag type. It can first determine whether the dust filter material is woven fabric, needle felt, compression felt or glass fiber filter bag. As for the detailed specification of the filter bag, further consideration can be given based on other filter conditions.