Dust filter bag is the key component to determine the efficiency of bag filter.
The working life of filter bag is related to the operating state and cost of the dust filter, so the following aspects should be paid attention to:
1, Blockage of filter bag. When the filter bag is blocked, the resistance will increase, which can be shown by the increase of the reading of the differential pressure gauge. The blockage of filter bag is the main cause of wear, perforation and falling off of filter bag.
2, Damaged filter bag. The shape, installation method and structure of the dust filter bag determine the position where the filter bag is easy to be damaged.
3, Aging of filter bags. If it is mainly caused by the following reasons, the causes shall be investigated, elimination measures shall be taken and filter bags shall be replaced.
(1)Hardening and shrinkage due to abnormal high temperature;
(2)By contact with vapors of acids, bases or organic solvents;
(3)React with water.
4,The filter bag should not be hung too loose or too tight, too loose easy to dust, too tight easy to pull bad.
5,The old filter bag should not be mixed in the new process to avoid different damage time affecting the normal operation of the equipment.
6, Replace the dust filter bag, first with compressed air blowing, and then check whether there is a hole, there is a hole to be replaced after repair. If the filter bag is pasted by dust, rinse with water and leave to be replaced after cooling.
Our company supplies dust filter bag, stable quality, long service life and fast delivery. Welcome global customers to inquiry, email: [email protected].